
Bhutan has got mighty mountains in North-South direction led by the Black Mountain, the Watershed between the river Mochu and Mangde Chuu (Manas).

The natural border barriers that is snow picks, and jungles have made it easy for bhutanese to chose their country to the outside world.

In 1962, the first road was completed linking India with Bbhutan in the capital, Thimphu.From Phuntsholing to Thimphu 172 kms. Another road from Asaam to Tashigang in the eastern part of the Country.Followingly, there were so many roads being constructed linking the inner roads of the country.

Bhutan is becoming increasingly known for its pure practice of Mahayana Buddhism in the Tantric form, its untouched culture, its pristine ecology and wildlife, and the unparalleled scenic beauty of its majestic peaks and lush valleys. It is still, in many ways, a magical kingdom of the past.

Travel to Bhutan is not rated by any international rating system because Bhutan is still a virgin destination. When rest of the world was booming with tourism industry, Bhutan was still frozen in the time capsule of age unknown to this world. Tourism started in the country in the beginning of 1970s very cautiously, operated by the Royal Government of Bhutan.